2021 Good Friday Service

Come join First Baptist Church for Good Friday Service on Friday, April 2, 2021 at 12:00 pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81206031173 Rev. Dr. Frank D. Tucker, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church, 712 Randolph St., N.W.,  Washington, D.C. 20011


FREE COVID-19 TESTING HOSTED BY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH April 17th 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM First Baptist Senior Center 715 Randolph ST NW Wash DC 20011 Cheryl Walker 202-253-9926 Virtual Health Ministry 202-765-2513 http://patient.questdiagnostics.com/CHL?programid=q4he-dc3p QUEST DIAGNOSTIC REGISTRATION LINK WHY SHOULD I GET TESTED? The Black community has been hard hit by the COVID crisis. African Americans… Read More ›

Virtual Health Ministry

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH  VIRTUAL HEALTH MINISTRY First Baptist Church is part of the Leadership Council for Healthy Communities’ Virtual Health Ministry (VHM). This program coordinates an alliance of concerned District citizens to prioritize the needs of our most vulnerable populations under the leadership of faith institutions with a focus on providing access to urgent medical… Read More ›

Pastor’s Letter 4-16-2020

Dear First Baptist Family, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior.  I trust that you are holding fast in the faith.   During this pandemic, the changes in your lifestyle are certainly causing emotional and psychological challenges.  I hope that your spiritual strength enables a balance that keeps you whole. If you need some… Read More ›