2017 Christian Education Institute

2017 Christian Education Institute Flyer

Download the 2017 Christian Education Institute Flyer


The Book of Habakkuk – Reverend Donald D. Robinson, Instructor

This class will study the old Testament prophetic book that deals with the age old problem of evil and human suffering. Understand that God is still in control of the world despite the apparent triumph of evil.

What Does God Say About single Christians and Their Responsibility to the Gospel Minister – Jonathan Wade, Instructor

This class will explore the biblical and social situation of those who live a single lifestyle. There will be fruitful dialogue about what the bible says about living single, what society says about being single, and how to balance our vision for our lives, along with what God would want for our lives.”

The Fruit of the Spirit – Ruth Thornton, Instructor

The class will explore how Christians are to live life by the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. It will examine each of the fruit and self-examination of the fruit in your life.